
Measuring the Impact of CSR on Brand

Carnegie Council’s Policy Innovations, August 2007 Companies in almost every sector of American business say they embrace Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) not only because it’s the right thing to do, but because it strengthens their brands. They also recognize that a stronger brand is a more valuable one, which is especially important since the U.S. […]

A Brand Perspective on the Socially Responsible Investment Conference (SRIR) 2007

Published in EnergyHEDGE, November 8, 2007 Summary: The clearest message from the conference is that the SRI brand has grown up. Endorsed by the Wall Street Journal on Monday, SRI is now a mainstream financial segment, albeit a small and relatively unknown one. The issue is where SRI will fit in the asset management world.

Internet Users Willing to Pay for Feeling of Security

San Jose Mercury News, Business Monday, by Carol Holding, September 16, 1996 Security. The word deflates any enthusiasm about banks and the Internet. And even though I have not read or heard of any actual breaches in security which have left bank customers holding the bag, everybody, banks and customers, are scared to death.